30 January 2010

Keep Haiti in our Prayers

It doesnt matter what religion you are or what your beliefs are.
Just remember Haiti and do what you can for them.
They need all the help they can get.

  • As of now the death toll is 150,000 people
  • the population of Haiti in 2009 was 9,035,536 and now because of the deaths it is down to 8,885,536
  • It is going to take years to rebuild Haiti
If there is anything you can do to help the people of Haiti please do it. there are a bunch of good charities and relief funds around that are taking donations to help Haiti. Two groups that are taking donations are the International Mission Board (IMB.org) and Babtist Global Response (babtistglobalresponse.com). Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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